What if thousands signed up for your service, and it only made things worse.
That’s where Moviepass has landed, a subscription service that lets you see a movie in theaters every day for a monthly fee. A quick look through the company’s support site reveals frustrated and angry new customers with lots of questions. They don’t know exactly how to use the pass, and confusion abounds over a dated and poorly designed mobile app they’re forced to use.

A couple of usability tests could have gone a long way.
Problems with current app
• Customer frustration with a less-functional app creates lack of trust and confidence in service
• No clear, useful tutorial
• Onboarding non-existent
• Not able to peruse app and understand before purchasing subscription
• Unable to define clearly which theaters accepts the pass
• Unable to save favorite theaters
• App is unexciting, no style or energy to it
• App design is dated
• No clear, useful tutorial
• Onboarding non-existent
• Not able to peruse app and understand before purchasing subscription
• Unable to define clearly which theaters accepts the pass
• Unable to save favorite theaters
• App is unexciting, no style or energy to it
• App design is dated

Better onboarding, and showing specific steps to using the pass were key improvements.
After initial customer research, I tested the current app with a handful of people and defined areas of confusion, content or flow that was lacking. Sketched out a user flow, site-map, worked it into a wireframe – and finally ideated, tested, iterated a hi-fi prototype over and over – and over.
Looking through other movie-search apps like Flixster and Fandango, I incorporated some of their UI elements that could help the Moviepass app be more familiar and easier to understand.